Past Fellow and Trustee Warren Unna – a devoted friend of the Institute, its staff and members – died on February 9th at age 93. Warren was an ICWA Fellow from 1958-59 and had two stints as an ICWA Trustee from 1981-87 and from 1990-96. He served as Board Chair over the period, 1983-85. Throughout his long life, Warren never forgot his attachment to ICWA, regularly attending annual events in Washington, inter-acting with the Institute’s leadership, and hosting staff for dinners and events at the retirement community in Maryland where lived. He retained his avid interest in foreign affairs and domestic politics, sharing his acute insights with visitors. Warren’s focus as an ICWA Fellow on Cold War neutrality and non-alignment took him on one of the most sweeping Fellowships in ICWA history: Yugoslavia, Israel, Egypt, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Indonesia, India, Nepal, Burma, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, China, Hong Kong and Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Finland, Denmark, and Ireland. Warren’s work as a reporter for The Washington Post landed him on Richard Nixon’s famous ‘enemies list.’ Warren served as the Post bureau chief in New Delhi and was revered for his knowledge of and appreciation for Asia. In the 1980s, he was a correspondent for the Calcutta-based paper, The Statesman, based in Washington. (His Washington Post obituary is here.)