We are thrilled to announce that Lucretia Martin, widow of longtime Executive Director Peter Bird Martin, is contributing the lead gift for the establishment of a permanent Peter Bird Martin Fellowship in honor of Peter and his vital contributions to the institute during his quarter-century tenure.
In addition to Lu’s magnificent gift, the institute has received many other generous donations to the fellowship fund, which now stands at $1.2 million!
The fellowship will be a traditional one, as we think Peter would have liked: open to the study of any topics in any country or region of the world.
Your donation:
Please join us honoring Peter! We’re now in reach of our target of $1.5 million, which would endow the fellowship in perpetuity, with the aim of appointing the inaugural Peter Bird Martin fellow in December 2023, and others every two years thereafter.
Donations of any amount bring us closer to our goal. Please contribute here:
Peter Martin
A former fellow in Africa in the 1950s who went on to a brilliant career as a Time Magazine senior editor and a founding editor of Money Magazine before he took over ICWA’s helm from 1978 to 2007, Peter became a formative influence in the lives of the fellows he mentored, edited, traveled to meet and support during his tenure. Please help us carry on his tradition.
Major donors
Ms. Lucretia Martin
Mr. Robert A. Levinson
Mr. Joseph Battat
Ms. Sarah R. Werner
Mr. Edmund Sutton
$5,000 – $10,000
Mr. Steven B. Butler
Mr. Samuel J. Levy
$1,000 – $4,999
Mr. Bryn Barnard
Mr. Anthony R. Dicks
Mrs. Sharon F. Doorasamy
Mrs. Virginia R. Foote
Prof. Alan W. Horton
Prof. Gayl D. Ness
Mr. Herman J. Obermayer
Prof. Paul A. Rahe
Mr. Andrew Rice
Ms. Catherine Rielly, Ph.D.
Mr. Owen W. Roberts
Mr. David Z. Robinson
Mr. John Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Squire
Mr. Robert Timpson Jr.
Mme. Miranda de Toulouse Lautrec
Mr. Warren Unna
Dr. Paula Williams
$500 to $999
Ms. Carole Beaulieu
Ms. Kimberley A. Conroy
Mr. Philip Glouchevitch
Mr. Gary Hartshorn
Mr. Peter Keller
Mr. Will Knowland
Prof. Cheng Li
Mr. Marc Michaelson
Mrs. Ann Munger
Mr. Nicholas Schmidle
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stein
Mrs. Elizabeth Sutherland
Mr. Andrew Tabler
Up to $499
Ms. Naoko Aoki, Ph.D.
Prof. Christopher P. Ball
Mr. David Barnard
Mrs. Mary Lynne Bird
Prof. Joseph Bradley
Mr. Alex Brenner
Mr. L. Carl Brown
Dr. Bacete Othwonh Bwogo
Ms. Wendy Call
Prof. Cynthia M. Caron
Mr. Kenneth W. Caron
Ms. Anita Christy
Mr. Kenneth Cline
Prof. Nancy P. Condee
Mr. Christopher T. Cory
Dr. Charles M. Crane
Carol DeBoer-Langworthy
Ms. Kay Dilday
Mr. Robert H.T. Dodson
Mr. Thomas G. Donlan
Dr. Deanna Donovan
Mr. Richard Dudman
Ms. Paige Evans
Ms. Martha Farmelo
Mr. Gregory Feifer
Mr. Charles L. Frankel
Mr. Peter F. Geithner
Mr. Frederic Golden
Mr. Gary L. Hansen
Mrs. Susan L. Hazard
Mrs. Kathaleen Hempstone
Mr. Thomas L. Hughes
Dr. George Jones
Ms. Loretta Schertz Keller
Ms. Leena Khan
Mrs. Ellen Kozak
Mrs. Geraldine S. Kunstadter
Mr. Allan J. Lenzner
Margaret M. MacLeish
Mr. John Major
Mr. Stephen B. Maly
Ms. Julia G. Martin
Ms. Judith Mayer
Mr. John R. McCarthy
Mr. Krishen Mehta
Mr. Norman Miller
Mr. Joel Millman
Ms. Ann Mische
Ms. Randi Movich
Mr. Jean Benoit Nadeau
Ms. Ina L. Navazelskis
Ms. Barbara Novovitch
Mr. and Mrs. Takashi Oka
Mr. Geoffrey Oldham
Mrs. Jeane Olson
Mr. Derek Paton
Mr. Donald W. Perkins
Ms. Mary Pomeroy
Ms. Miriam Poser
Mr. Bowden S. Quinn
Prof. Gregory Rabassa
Mr. Jeffrey Race
Mr. John B. Robinson
Ms. Carol Rose
Dr. Chandler R. Rosenberger
Ms. Katherine Roth Kono
Mr. Buck Scott
Mr. Paddy Sherman
Mr. Donald Snook
Mr. John Sommer
Mr. Irving Spitzberg
Mr. Daniel P. Sullivan
Mr. Charles R. Temple
Mr. Tyrone L. Turner
Mr. John Van de Kamp
Prof. Diederik J. Vandewalle
Dr. Andrew T. Weil
Mr. Matthew Wheeler
Ms. Jill Winder
Mr. Carey Winfrey
Mr. Frederic Withington
Mr. James Workman
Mr. Daniel B. Wright