
Former Fellow Hansen on International Perceptions of American Power

Former Fellow Suzy Hansen (Turkey, 2007-2009) talked about her book Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World, in an interview with Elmira Bayrasli for C-SPAN. Hansen “reports on international perceptions of America’s power and influence as well as her own view of the U.S.” Click here for the interview. […]

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Attorney General Sessions Ties Lax Immigration Laws to Rise of Drug Cartels

Former Fellow Carol Rose (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, 1990-1993) was quoted in an article published by Gloucester Times regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ statement that “loose immigration policies for a proliferation of drug cartels that he says prey on immigrant communities while peddling fentanyl and other deadly opioids on the nation’s streets.” Sessions describes La Mara […]

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Former Fellow Rose on ACLU’s Request for Dismissal of Tainted Cases

Former Fellow Carol Rose (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal, 1990-1993) was featured in an article published by MassLive regarding ACLU of Massachusetts request for the state’s highest court to dismiss all cases tainted by the misconduct of Sonja Farak. The former state drug lab chemist was arrested in 2013 “for stealing samples from the Amherst drug lab to […]

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Former Fellow Tabler on the President’s “Plan to Stop Iran in Syria”

Former Fellow Andrew Tabler (Lebanon, Syria, 2005-2007) was quoted in an article published by The Washington Post, regarding top Trump administration officials claim that a key pillar of U.S. Syria policy is to prevent Iran from expanding its power there as the Islamic State falls. This is a matter of “grave concern of Syrians and allies such as […]

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Campaign Against Corruption Has Reached Chinese Military Elite

Former Fellow Cheng Li (China, 1993-1995) wrote an article published by China-US Focus regarding an unprecedentedly large-scale turnover at the 19th Party Congress this October, according to many analysts. The article reflects on “Xi Jinping’s bold, years-long campaign against corruption has already reached high into the ranks of the military elite…which perhaps points to the […]

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Former Fellow Hansen on Knowledge of the Old to Solve the New

Former Fellow Suzy Hansen (Turkey, 2007-2009) was the subject of an article published by Los Angeles Review of Books regarding her book Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World. The article reflects on the manner and extent to which knowledge of the history provides a solution to current issues. Click here […]

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Former Fellow Hansen’s Years Abroad a “Shattering and a Shame”

Former Fellow Suzy Hansen (Turkey, 2007-2009) was the subject of an article published by Los Angeles Review of Books regarding her book, Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World. The article reflects on how Hansen’s years as an American abroad were not characterized as “a joyous romp of self-discovery and romance.” […]

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It’s tradition: Female genital mutilation in Nigeria

ABUJA, Nigeria — Fourteen-year-old Chioma just recently began menstruating. Her father sits in his village compound with five male friends who happen to be local chiefs to discuss her coming of age and make plans for a special ceremony. “Finally my daughter will be welcomed fully into womanhood and I can start entertaining suitors,” he […]

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Civil liberties and tyrannical majorities

“Everyone has the right to advocate individually or collectively to advance her people, nation, and country… to express her thoughts and attitudes in accordance with her conscience… [and] to communicate and obtain information to develop her personal and social environment.” —Article 28 of the Indonesian constitution (1945)[1] JAKARTA, Indonesia — The back courtyard of the coffee […]

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