The attorney general is wielding the Justice Department as a weapon to defend President Donald Trump. […]
NOV. 21:
Robbie Corey-Boulet book launch in DC
The Institute of Current World Affairs hosted a discussion on November 21 of Robbie Corey-Boulet’s new book Love Falls on Us: A Story of American Ideas and African LGBT Lives with Neela Ghoshal at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace building in Washington, D.C. […]
Give me stability or give me death
China’s aversion to social unrest and prospects for political reform. […]
NYT Mag: Suzy Hansen on Turkish censorship
The internet restrictions put in place by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s administration have forced Turks into an online labyrinth, former ICWA fellow Suzy Hansen (Turkey, 2007-2009) writes in The New York Times Magazine. […]
FRANCE 24: Karina Piser on the headscarf
Newly returned ICWA fellow Karina Piser (France, 2017-2019) appears on France 24’s program The 51% to discuss the ongoing debate over the French ban on the Muslim headscarf in public spaces. She says that the issue is so divisive, it’s unlikely to be resolved soon. […]
The American Prospect: Jonathan Guyer on George W. Bush at the Kennedy Center
The Kennedy Center’s exhibition of the former president’s paintings of veterans rewrites the history of the Iraq war, former fellow Jonathan Guyer (Egypt, 2015-2017) writes in The American Prospect. […]
The American Interest: Paul Rahe on realism’s limits
Hans Morgenthau took the American foreign policy establishment by storm in 1948 with Politics Among Nations, writes board chair and former fellow Paul Rahe (Turkey, 1984-1986) in The American Interest. But the so-called father of realism’s own understanding of statesmanship was “rather unrealistic.” […]
THE CABLE PODCAST: The Velvet Revolution 30 years on
A discussion with Karen Donfried and Jeff Gedmin. Reporting by Emily Schultheis. […]
WAMU: Tyrone Turner and Mikaela Lefrak tell the story of a deaf DJ
Nico DiMarco has been deaf since birth, but that hasn’t stopped him from pursuing a side career as a DJ in Washington, DC. Tyrone Turner (Brazil, 1999-2000) and Mikaela Lefrak record his pulsating sound for WAMU radio. […]
As Germany marks Berlin Wall anniversary, east-west split still divides new generation
30 years after the fall of the Wall, Germans born in 1989 reflect on why right-wing populism is ascendant in the east. […]