Fellowship Years: 1987 – 1990 Fellowship Area(s): Brazil A Question of Participation Day of the Child and the Teacher Cesium and the search for marvels The Fall and Rise of Grêmios Livres Youth groups, politics and peace Funcionalismo on strike The days of May Being Political Becoming Political Constitution-making Government by men Luiza takes São Paulo Learning […]
Judith Mayer Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1987-1989 Fellowship Topic: Environmental protection conservation and sustainable development issues in Southeast Asia. Fellowship Area: Malaysia, Indonesia Untitled Linking Up in Penang A Trip to Ulu Baram Chopping Kayu Change at Tasek Bera National Parks Life After Death in Singapore’s Rivers Gunung Kemala Jakarta Dilang Puti East Kalimantan Notes Back to the Lawa River Kutai National […]
William L. Melvin Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1988-1989 Fellowship Topic: South American Indian societies and Andean affairs. Fellowship Area: Bolivia, Ecuador untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled Who’s Driving? Silent Comedy Goodbye Columbus When Less Means More Reading, Rioting and Rithmetic […]
Erik R. Guyot Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1987 – 1989 Fellowship Area(s): Thailand, Philippines Pre-election Impressions Mission of Mercy Helicopters and Promotions U.S. Military Bases Gringo Comes to Manila The Philippine Military Academy View From Zamboanga Isan Khieo–The Green Northeast Of Past “Liberated” Areas and the Path Toward Liberation Sibling Rivalry: The Thai-Lao Border Conflict Thailand’s Changing Patrons Two Buddhist Educators New […]
Diederik J. Vandewalle Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1986 – 1989 Fellowship Area(s): Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Algeria Egypt’s Development and Mubarak’s Inheritance Reforming the Subsidy System in Egypt Guarding Sinai The Fourth Annual N.D.P. Congress A Visit to the Zabalin – I A Visit to the Zabalin – II The End Of Summer United States Economic Assistance to Egypt A Dose of […]
Vladimir Padunov Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1986-1987 Fellowship Topic: The politics of culture in the Soviet Union Fellowship Area: Russia The Politics of Culture Under Gorbachev Alienation and the Everyday: Films of Alexsandr Mindadze and Vadim Abdrashitov […]
Neil A. Silberman Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1984-1986 Fellowship Topic: Political and cultural impact of current archaeological research in the Middle East. Fellowship Area: Israel, Turkey, Egypt Macedonians, Greeks, and Human Sacrifice The Altar of Joshua Fighting a Losing Battle The Politics of Conquest. Strangers in Egypt An Uneasy Inheritance Whose Elephantine? Lost Kingdoms and Caravan Routes Just Another Summer Patterns in a […]
Paul A. Rahe Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1984-1986 Fellowship Topic: Contemporary culture social development and politics of the Eastern Mediterranean. Fellowship Area: Turkey, Greece Istanbul Diary Antiquities A Relic Delicate Questions Kibris–First Impressions Republicanism and Religion–I Republicanism and Religion–II Republicanism and Religion–III Elections in Northern Cyprus Republicanism and Religion–IV Trkiyeler Graeculi Disinformation Kupros–First Impressions Political Football The Greek Cypriot Election–I The Greek Cypriot […]
Donald R. Perry Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1986 – 1988 Fellowship Area(s): Costa Rica, USA Flight Without Wings Birds and Dinosaurs The Feet of Birds How Feathers Killed the Dinosaurs Seeking a Professional Profession Today’s Theories Tomorrow’ s Myths Canopy Research in Costa Rica The Canopy of Borneo Yeti Enterprises Cheating in Biology Why Canopy Research? 100.00% Truthful Testing AWCE It Works […]
Nancy P. Condee Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1984-1986 Fellowship Topic: Contemporary culture and cultural politics in the Soviet Union Fellowship Area: Russia I. Introduction; II. Arrival and living quarters; III. Changes; IV. Moscow theatre untitled I. November 7th Celebration (written with Volodya Padunov); II. Rodina; III. Contemporary Soviet Drama Literary Rank and File I. “Scarecrow”; II. Private Responses; III. Public Responses I. The […]