
Putin’s Patriotism Playbook

Foreign Affairs – In his latest piece on Russian politics, author and past ICWA Fellow Gregory Feifer examines Vladimir Putin’s push for nationalism and Russia’s search for a unifying identity.  Understanding this concept is essential to the West because, as Feifer explains, “assessing the Kremlin’s potential for cooperation requires understanding not only the Russian president’s […]

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Adama du Jardin

YAMOUSSOUKRO, Côte d’Ivoire — In 1984, in an essay for The New Yorker, the writer V.S. Naipaul described Yamoussoukro, a town in central Côte d’Ivoire, as a place that “awaited full use.”[i] He meant this in the most fundamental way. The previous year, President Félix Houphouët-Boigny had established the town, his birthplace, as the country’s […]

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Under the Surface of Sea Level Rise: the Fisherman’s Secret Plight

‘Its beauty has been compared with the Greek isles,’ the guidebook waxed—followed by the incongruous statement that Topolobampo is primarily a cargo port. “Sounds good to me,” Jon said with a grin as we sat around the table on Oleada, discussing our trip through 400-plus nautical miles of coastline mostly unexplored by sailors. Beginning from […]

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Taste, Scent, Trade

January 19, 2016 LAGOS, Nigeria—In early December, Christmas materialized across Lagos. Office buildings transformed into gleaming beacons of the season, bedecked in detailed patterns or whole sheets of twinkle lights. Street vendors hawked Santa hats. Parties proliferated. Crime spiked. Urban transplants worried how they would finance a flamboyant family reunion on their return to the […]

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Pramila Jayapal, State Senator and Nationally Known Immigrant-rights Advocate, Announces Congressional Run

The Seattle Times – Past ICWA Fellow Pramila Jayapal has announced her candidacy to succeed retiring 14-term U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott. Jayapal is currently a Washington State Senator and has been a respected activist and voice in Washington politics for years. After her ICWA Fellowship in India, Jayapal founded Hate Free Zone, an immigrant-rights advocacy group now called […]

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