
Under the Surface of Sea Level Rise: the Fisherman’s Secret Plight

‘Its beauty has been compared with the Greek isles,’ the guidebook waxed—followed by the incongruous statement that Topolobampo is primarily a cargo port. “Sounds good to me,” Jon said with a grin as we sat around the table on Oleada, discussing our trip through 400-plus nautical miles of coastline mostly unexplored by sailors. Beginning from […]

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Taste, Scent, Trade

January 19, 2016 LAGOS, Nigeria—In early December, Christmas materialized across Lagos. Office buildings transformed into gleaming beacons of the season, bedecked in detailed patterns or whole sheets of twinkle lights. Street vendors hawked Santa hats. Parties proliferated. Crime spiked. Urban transplants worried how they would finance a flamboyant family reunion on their return to the […]

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Pramila Jayapal, State Senator and Nationally Known Immigrant-rights Advocate, Announces Congressional Run

The Seattle Times – Past ICWA Fellow Pramila Jayapal has announced her candidacy to succeed retiring 14-term U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott. Jayapal is currently a Washington State Senator and has been a respected activist and voice in Washington politics for years. After her ICWA Fellowship in India, Jayapal founded Hate Free Zone, an immigrant-rights advocacy group now called […]

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Arabs of the Future: Beirut in the Present Tense

13 January 2015 I had flown to Beirut for the first annual Symposium on Arabic Comics to deliver a paper about the Franco-Syrian comic artist Riad Sattouf’s incredibly popular graphic novel, The Arab of the Future. As part of the American University of Beirut’s symposium, and kicking off the events, a top Lebanese wedding planner […]

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Every Day Is National Day in Oman

Oman commemorated its 45th National Day on November 18th, which was also His Majesty Sultan Qaboos’s 75th birthday. Festivities weren’t confined to just one day. Preparations were visible in early September, and some of the most anticipated celebrations occurred in December, long after his birthday. In fact, sometimes it feels like every day is National […]

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Fool’s Gold: On Oil and its Discontents

Oil is at times called “black gold” because, like the metal, it is precious. Its discovery spurs avaricious rushes and crowns a nouveau-riche class in garish ostentation. Numerous books, films, and artworks have documented the familiar, shimmery promise of the commodity; and the predictable disappointment that follows. The peripatetic Polish foreign correspondent, Ryszard Kapuscinski, wrote […]

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Five Things You Should Know About Willy Foote

The Boston Globe – Willy Foote’s ICWA Fellowship inspired him to leave his job as a financial analyst to start Root Capital, a nonprofit social investment fund working in Latin American and Africa. This year Root Capital expects to have lent more than $1 billion to small buisnessses in the developing world.  Foote and Cambridge-based Root Capital were featured in this […]

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