
Update from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

We are nestled into the tropical marina here in La Cruz, a slice of civilization like we haven’t seen in quite a while. We are tucked into beautiful Banderas Bay, which is surrounded by tall, jungle clad mountains–a real treat after seeing only coastal plane for the past few months. There is a big sailing […]

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Mad Magazines

Harper’s Magazine – In a feature released this month, Fellow Jonathan Guyer writes about the role of underground comics in Egypt. The piece focuses on cartoonist and satirist Mohamed Andeel, one of  four founders of Tok Tok, the zine that launched a politicized comics movement in the country. The feature is available online to Harper’s subscribers or […]

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The Business End of Palestinian Despair

The Times of Israel – In a featured blog post, past Fellow Neri Zilber discusses the grim economic realities of the most recent wave of violence between Israel in Palestine. Many attacks are perpetrated by young Palestinians who defy categorization; they come from a variety of economic, social, and political backgrounds without a unifying leader or affiliation. In […]

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The Fall Of Intrade And The Business Of Betting On Real Life

Buzzfeed News – In a new longform piece, past Fellow Andrew Rice examines the rise and fall of Intrade, a website dedicated to predicting (and betting on) real-life events, including politics, before it was shut down by the government. As Rice explains, the website was continually troubled, stymied by government regulations on gambling and struggling financially, […]

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U.S.-Russia Deal on a Partial Truce in Syria Raises More Doubt Than Optimism

The New York Times – Past Fellow Andrew Tabler is quoted Mark Landler’s latest piece on the recent agreement for a partial truce in Syria.  Tabler, whose ICWA Fellowship took place in Syria and Lebanon and who is currently an Syria expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy said about the agreement; “Washington’s stated […]

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Putin’s Patriotism Playbook

Foreign Affairs – In his latest piece on Russian politics, author and past ICWA Fellow Gregory Feifer examines Vladimir Putin’s push for nationalism and Russia’s search for a unifying identity.  Understanding this concept is essential to the West because, as Feifer explains, “assessing the Kremlin’s potential for cooperation requires understanding not only the Russian president’s […]

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Adama du Jardin

YAMOUSSOUKRO, Côte d’Ivoire — In 1984, in an essay for The New Yorker, the writer V.S. Naipaul described Yamoussoukro, a town in central Côte d’Ivoire, as a place that “awaited full use.”[i] He meant this in the most fundamental way. The previous year, President Félix Houphouët-Boigny had established the town, his birthplace, as the country’s […]

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