
Human Trafficking and Migration: Awareness and Training for Nigerian Children

“Trafficking in Persons (TIP) is the third most lucrative business in the world, after drugs and arms sales,” an official from the Nigerian National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) told students during a three-day training workshop held from May 22-24 in Abuja. The workshop aimed to increase the awareness of in-school […]

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Former Fellow Bryn Barnard Publishes New Book

Bryn Barnard, former ICWA fellow (1983-85, visual communication in Southeast Asia), former board member, artist and author,has released a new book!   The New Ocean: The Fate of Life in a Changing Sea, was published by Knopf this month. It deals with ocean acidification, climate change and plastics pollution. “An impassioned call to protect Earth’s oceans, sure […]

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Shannon Sims in The Washington Post

Former ICWA fellow Shannon Sims, in The WashingtonPost, Sims wrote on the continuing political turmoil in Brazil. Her article, “Can Brazil’s president survive the latest scandal? Here are 4 ways he could fall.”  explains the recent scandal surrounding President Michel Temer and tapes recording his endorsement of bribery.  She outlines 4 scenarios that could remove […]

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Robbie Corey-Boulet writes weekly about Africa on World Politics Review

Former ICWA fellow Robbie Corey-Boulet has recently relocated from West Africa to Brooklyn, where he has taken on a position of associate editor at World Politics Review.  World Politics Review is working on a very exciting Africa-specific news service and subscription, which Corey-Boulet contributes to.  Learn more about this great outlet here.  Keep up to date with […]

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Panama Canal Part I: Water-Locked: Can the Panama Canal Handle Climate Change?

“Handline Vessel Oleada, your transit has been cancelled.” It’s 5:00 am, and our sailboat bobs around in the choppy entrance to the busiest shipping channel in the world. We are on the Pacific side of the Panama Canal, and we have spent the last two weeks securing everything we need to pass through the canal […]

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