Hosted by ICWA and IOM
As of November 2015, close to 800,000 refugees and migrants have crossed the Mediterranean Sea to reach a safe haven in Europe. The EU estimates that as many as 3 million might arrive by the end of 2016. Close to 4,000 have died or gone missing since the beginning of this year. How are we responding to this crisis? What have we learned from past crises? In what ways do migrants benefits the communities they become a part of? How can journalists work to better educate the public about migrants and migration issues? ICWA and IOM hosted a conference on December 11, 2015 to discuss these questions with a number of policymakers, researchers, journalists, and migrants themselves.
Past ICWA Fellows Dirk Vandewalle, Andrew Tabler, Amelia Frank-Vitale, and Malia Politzer shared their expertise on various regions that are effected by this issue as experts and moderators of panels throughout the day. Read Amelia Frank-Vitale’s policy paper “Looming Crisis: What the United States Must Do to Address the Plight of Migrants from Central America.”
Click on the photo above to view more photos from the event. All photos by John Walder.