Current Fellows

Current Fellows

Rowland is investigating integrative health care approaches to problematic substance use in the Netherlands, Portugal and Brazil. His goal is to better understand the public health approaches pioneered by the Netherlands and Portugal, followed by an investigation of how that model translates to a larger country, Brazil, that implemented a Dutch-style drug law in 2006. A graduate of Northeastern University in international affairs, Rowland was a legislative assistant for US Senator Angus King and an opioid response project manager for the state of Maine. 

Dispatches from Rowland Robinson

Prachi is based in South Korea reporting on young people and changing attitudes in a country that has undergone remarkable social and political transformation in recent decades. A New York University anthropology graduate with a master’s in international relations from the University of Chicago, Prachi was most recently associate editor at World Politics Review.

Dispatches from Prachi Vidwans

LGBTQ+ issues

ICWA’s David Mixner LGBTQ+ fellow Edric Huang is immersing himself in queer communities across Taiwan, examining coalition-building amid pluralistic identity politics, legal battles and geopolitical pressures. A Princeton graduate, he is currently a Schwarzman scholar studying at Tsinghua University, pursuing a master’s in global affairs at the intersection of migration and climate change.

Dispatches from Edric Huang

Aron is examining the exodus of intellectuals and other professionals who have fled authoritarianism, militarism and a deteriorating economy at home before and after the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Based in Tbilisi, Georgia, he is observing on a granular level how opposition activists, jour-nalists, civil society actors and others are building new lives and careers, what they reflect about Vladimir Putin’s Russia, and how exile communities are affecting host countries. Aron recently received a joint masters degree in global journalism and Russian/Slavic Studies from New York University. He's worked as a freelance journalist and a cybersecurity analyst. His writing has appeared in The Guardian, The Economist and The Moscow Times.

Dispatches from Aron Ouzilevski