Webinar video: Migration and Covid-19
A discussion with Amelia Frank-Vitale, K.A. Dilday and Malia Politzer.

Webinar video:
The Transformation of Rural China
A Zoom discussion with returning ICWA fellow Matthew Chitwood

Webinar video:
Covid-19, disinformation and transatlantic democracy
A discussion with Karen Kornbluh and Spencer Boyer

Former fellow William Mattox dies
An arctic geographer and bird of prey naturalist, Bill established the Greenland Peregrine Falcon Survey.

Former fellow and trustee Carl Brown dies
The longtime Princeton University professor was one of the most respected historians of the modern Middle East and North Africa.

Video: Covid-19 webinar with ICWA fellows
How does life under lockdown compare around the world? Fellows Elizabeth Hawkins (El Salvador), David Kenner (Lebanon), Emily Schultheis (Germany) and Astha Rajvanshi (India) debrief on responses to the coronavirus pandemic in their regions in an ICWA webinar on April 7, 2020. Executive director Gregory Feifer moderates.

Karina Piser at the Alliance Française
Karina Piser's spoke at the Alliance Française in Washington about her two-year ICWA fellowship in France (2017-19) exploring government initiatives to promote the state policy of secularism and Muslim integration. Following her talk, a panel further discussed issues of French identity.

ICWA semi-annual dinner in DC
ICWAns gathered in Washington for the institute's semi-annual dinner at the Cosmos Club on December 5, 2019.