Peter H. Christiansen Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1992-1994 Fellowship Topic: Privatization of the Russian Fishing Industry Fellowship Area: Russia, Japan, Alaska Untitled The Russian Point of View Bureuacratic Turmoil Threatens the Russian Far East Fishery. Privatization, Economic Chaos, and Crime Challenge Kamchatka’s Fishing Enterprises. A Visit to Allimpex-Kamchatka As Political and Economic Chaos Sweep Russia, The Far East Increasingly Seeks Its Own Way
Chandler R. Rosenberger Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1992 – 1995 Fellowship Area(s): Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Italy, Moldova, Romania, Kosovo Who Lost Slovakia? Whither Pannonia? Slovakia’s “Kulturkampf” The Education of a President “Greater Albania: Kosovo and surrounds” (“Adventures in Slobostan,” Part Two) Kosice: City-State in a Nation-State Bridges on the Drina One Year Later: A stronger Slovakia? The Tempting of Tudjman The
Casey C. Kelso Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1991 – 1994 Fellowship Area(s): Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, England Diamonds and democracy in Botswana A hitchhiker’s guide to the cows and crops of Botswana Odds and ends of Botswana experience A Bushman’s land is worth many cattle in the bush Namibia’s victorious “returnees” live more like refugees Just north of the Tropic
Alejandro Fogel Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1992 Fellowship Area(s): Argentina The Incas Road: “Love” in Times of Cholera The Incas Road: Beginning of the Road The Incas Road: Last Tambo in Mendoza The Incas Road: Sacred Sanctuaries
Thomas Goltz Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1991 – 1993 Fellowship Area(s): Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey December 20th 1990-February 4th 1991 Notes and Impressions after initial reconnaissance trip to Tashkent and Uzbekistan Let Them Eat Ego! The Reflections of a Kurdish Relief Volunteer A Survey of the Seattle-Tashkent Sister-City Relationship Some Reflections on Recent Changes in Turkey’s Penal Code Untitled Zakho
Dasa Obereigner Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1990 – 1992 Fellowship Area(s): Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia’s Return to Europe: A Rocky Road Tanks are Rolling Out, the Stones are Rolling In The Jews of Prague: a People Endure Education” Czechoslovakia has a Lot to Learn George Bush and the Republicans Out with the Old, in with the Unknown Generation ’68-’89 For Better or for
Carol V. Rose Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1990 – 1992 Fellowship Area(s): Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Germany, England Afghanistan and Empire: A Historic Overview Afghanistan at the Crossroads” Internal Dimensions of War and Peace Berlin: In Search of History You Can’t Go Home Again Portrait of Peshawar What Money Can’t Buy: Refugee Assistance and Anti-Aanericanism Cultural Survival: The Tibetans in Nepal New
Ina L. Navazelskis Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1990-1991 Fellowship Topic: Lithuania, East European and Soviet affairs Fellowship Area: Lithuania Lithuania Declares Independence from the USSR What Price Lithuanian Independence? Untitled Views on America Two Steps Forward, One Step Back The Pain of Nation-Building A Fax from Vilnius. “Who is Husak?” “April 30, 1991 One Day in the life of Vvtautas Landsbergis” “On Critics
Tyrone L. Turner Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1999 – 2000 Fellowship Area(s): Brazil Favela Family Market Hustlers Carnival and the Maracatu “Hitting the Streets” The Roda and Other Experiences Favela Tour Glue Kids Juazeiro do Parde Cícero Muribeca: The Making of a CD Cover and other Stories “Night Fishing” “A Smoldering Land” “Sugar Notes”
Stephen B. Maly Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1989 – 1991 Fellowship Area(s): Canada Shadows of Doubt A Sort-of Nation Tossed Salad? For Want of a Paul Revere North of Havana Crude Distillations In a State of Ambiguity The Distinct Society The Contingent State The Celtic Fringe A Profusion of Loyalties Rock of Ages 7 in Labrador Take Five Tree North (Part I)