Past Fellows

Adam Smith Albion Newsletters

  • May 10, 1996
  • Adam Smith Albion

Fellowship Years: 1994 – 1997 Fellowship Area(s): Turkey, Uzbekistan, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Romania First Thoughts — Herodotus Nomadism Black Sea Coast–Trabzon: football, hamsi Chechnya Spies, Free Trade and Borders The Voice of the People Travels in Romania, Moldova and Gagauzia Ukraine Dial 3 Crimean Diary Send in the Turks Summer Reading Three Trabzon Tales Alma-Ata or


Cheng Li Newsletters

  • January 1, 1996
  • Cheng Li

Fellowship Years: 1993-1995 Fellowship Topic: Growth of technocracy and its impact on the economy of the southeastern coast Fellowship Area: China   Leaving Home to Go Home “The Color of Money”: Shanghai Impressions China’s Falsities & China’s Future: Part I – “Calling Things by Their Real Names” China’s Falsities & China’s Future’ Part II ’Daxing” A Most Frequently


Hisham Ahmed Newsletters

  • October 1, 1995
  • Hisham H. Ahmed

Fellowship Years: 1994-1996 Fellowship Topic: Oral History of the Palestinian People Fellowship Area: Jordan and Gaza Just a Day Like Any Other Society Suffers from Split Personality Political Peace or Personal War? Dehumanized at the Border From Dispersion to Delusion Culture on the Air From Imprisonment to Negotiation Most Difficult Times: A Palestinian in Refuge The Dream of


Cynthia M. Caron Newsletters

  • May 1, 1995
  • Cynthia M. Caron

Fellowship Years: 1994 – 1996 Fellowship Area(s): India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan For a Cleaner and Greener Kathmandu Valley Bhutan: Land of the Thunder Dragon An Introduction to Jigme Dorji National Park Encounters in the Western Regions of Jigme Dorji National Park Yak and Cattle Management in Jigme Dorji National Park Festivals and Families of the Phobjikha


Katherine Roth Newsletters

  • November 1, 1994
  • Katherine Roth Kono

Fellowship Years: 1993-1995 Fellowship Topic: Tradition and Modernity in the Arab World. Fellowship Area: Saudi Arabia, France, Algeria, Yemen, Egypt Untitled Things in Algeria are seldom what they seem It was the unlikeliest of reunions Welcome to the wild west of Algeria Islam and women Arabization Changing Times in Cairo Turning inward Islamists: My first six months Out


Carole Beaulieu Newsletters

  • September 1, 1994
  • Carole Beaulieu

Fellowship Years: 1992 – 1994 Fellowship Area(s): Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos Language Where do these people come from? Good Morning Saigon Hanoi Inc. or a “mutating kind of communism” Swim or sink Learning about the flee-market Vietnamese style Into the Boat Country -1 – The obsession of rice Into the Boat Country -2 Raising fish and beating the


Bacete Othwonh Bwogo Newsletters

  • February 1, 1994
  • Bacete Othwonh Bwogo

Fellowship Years: 1992 – 1995 Fellowship Area(s): Cuba, Costa Rica, India “Just” a Clue about the Cuban Primary Health Care Delivery System Community Participation in Primary Health Care The Role of the Mass Organizations in Primary Health Care Rural Health Service” The Cuban Family Doctor in the Sierra Maestra Mountains, Part I Health Care in Child-care Centers


Peter H. Christiansen Newsletters

  • January 1, 1994
  • Peter H. Christiansen

Fellowship Years: 1992-1994 Fellowship Topic: Privatization of the Russian Fishing Industry Fellowship Area: Russia, Japan, Alaska Untitled The Russian Point of View Bureuacratic Turmoil Threatens the Russian Far East Fishery. Privatization, Economic Chaos, and Crime Challenge Kamchatka’s Fishing Enterprises. A Visit to Allimpex-Kamchatka As Political and Economic Chaos Sweep Russia, The Far East Increasingly Seeks Its Own Way


Chandler R. Rosenberger Newsletters

  • February 1, 1993
  • Chandler R. Rosenberger

Fellowship Years: 1992 – 1995 Fellowship Area(s): Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Italy, Moldova, Romania, Kosovo Who Lost Slovakia? Whither Pannonia? Slovakia’s “Kulturkampf” The Education of a President “Greater Albania: Kosovo and surrounds” (“Adventures in Slobostan,” Part Two) Kosice: City-State in a Nation-State Bridges on the Drina One Year Later: A stronger Slovakia? The Tempting of Tudjman The


Casey C. Kelso Newsletters

  • November 1, 1992
  • Casey C. Kelso

Fellowship Years: 1991 – 1994 Fellowship Area(s): Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, England Diamonds and democracy in Botswana A hitchhiker’s guide to the cows and crops of Botswana Odds and ends of Botswana experience A Bushman’s land is worth many cattle in the bush Namibia’s victorious “returnees” live more like refugees Just north of the Tropic