Past Fellows

Most Likely to Destroy a Governor

  • October 13, 2016
  • Andrew Rice

Andrew Rice’s New York magazine article focuses on David Wildstein, former classmate of Chris Christie, and his involvement in the Bridgegate scandal.


Can Thailand Really Hide a Rebellion

  • October 13, 2016
  • Matthew Wheeler

Past fellow Matt Wheeler contributed an opinion piece in the New York Times, addressing the Malay-Muslim insurgents and the Thai government’s efforts to divert attention from them. The Washington Post interviewed Matt as well, regarding militant attacks in Thailand and how the Thai government should approach the conflict in the south.  


Putin’s Meddling in the U.S. Elections: How It Helps Him Back Home

  • October 13, 2016
  • Gregory Feifer

Concerned about Russian meddling in the US Presidential election?  In Foreign Affairs, past Fellow Gregory Feifer analyzes Putin’s motivations, both in election meddling and in recent Russian cyber attacks. *Access to the full article requires a subscription to Foreign Affairs magazine


How Losing Can Bring an Emotional Windfall

  • October 13, 2016
  • Eve Fairbanks

Past Fellow Eve Fairbanks wrote an article about the value of consolation prizes, for the Washington Post website.  Her article details the importance of recognizing effort towards a greater goal and how society became more focused on “self-care” instead of consolation.  Eve argues that “self-care” is not true consolation, rather another goal created to return


Fatah’s Civil War

  • October 6, 2016
  • Neri Zilber

Past Fellow Neri Zilber’s latest article in Foreign Affairs, on the incipient civil war inside Fatah.  The piece delves into the possible reasons for why the Palestinian Authority security forces recently killed one of their own — a policeman and former chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in Nablus.


Syria Violence Triggers U.S.-Russia Talks Breakdown

  • October 4, 2016
  • Andrew Tabler

“On Lunch Break” with Wall Street Journal reporter Tanya Rivero, Past Fellow Andrew Tabler discusses tensions between the U.S. and Syria deepened this week as the U.S. pulled out of talks with Russia aimed at reducing violence in Syria’s civil war. Andrew is a Washington Institute Senior Fellow.


Tracking the Queen of Sheba: A Travel Memoir of Yemen

  • October 1, 2016
  • Kenneth Cline

Past Fellow Kenneth Cline recently published a book related to his ICWA fellowship, titled Tracking the Queen of Sheba: A Travel Memoir of Yemen.  In his book, Cline recounts his journey to Yemen with a group of archaeologists and their mission to discover more about the ancient civilization, Sheba, and its famous queen.  Cline’s book can


Paying Respects In Dhofar

  • September 6, 2016
  • Scott Erich

PAYING RESPECTS IN DHOFAR   …we had discovered a real paradise in the wilderness, which will be a rich prize for the civilized nation which is enterprising enough to appropriate it. –Theodore Bent, F.R.G.S., F.S.A. in Southern Arabia, 1900 (276) …our war with colonialism, brother, is a long one. –Dhofar Liberation Front radio broadcast, March


Cheng Li Quoted by Nicholas Kristoff

  • September 2, 2016
  • Cheng Li

Past Fellow and past Trustee Cheng Li was just cited by Nicholas Kristof in his New York Times column on dubious endorsements received by Donald Trump. Quote: Likewise, many Chinese leaders would like to see a Trump victory, according to Cheng Li, an expert on Chinese politics at the Brookings Institution. The Chinese leaders apparently


Past ICWA Fellow & Trustee Pramila Jayapal Sweeps Washington open primary

  • September 1, 2016
  • Pramila Jayapal

Pramila is poised to make history!  Past ICWA Fellow and Trustee Pramila Jayapal won the Washington State primary election for the seventh Congressional District (Seattle and environs.)   If Pramila prevails she wins the November general election, she would become the first Indian American woman elected to the US House of Representatives. Pramila was born in