World Politics Review: Malia Politzer on Spain’s immigration policy
With a new socialist government, the country has replaced Italy as the top destination for Europe-bound migrants.
Foreign Policy: Neri Zilber on the rise of cyber-mercenaries
The internet has eclipsed borders, and cyberwarfare is no exception.
POLITICO: Eve Fairbanks on Trump’s tweet about South Africa
Some lies are so fantastical they can't be countered without vaguely soiling the arguer.
Foreign Policy: Neri Zilber on Palestinians’ precarious state
Both Palestinians and Israelis are worried about the devastating effects the Trump administration looks set to have on their lives.
The Washington Institute: Neri Zilber on protests against Israel’s nation-state law
While Arabs and Jews unite, fake news divides.
The New Yorker: Nicholas Schmidle on Virgin Galactic’s lead pilot
The ace pilot risking his life to fulfill Richard Branson's quest to make commercial space travel a reality.
World Economic Forum: Cynthia Caron on gender parity in Zambia
Projects helping provide Zambian women with better access to land.
WPR: Robbie Corey-Boulet on Mali’s turbulent presidential election campaign
And other stories making headlines in Africa.
NYT: Shannon Sims on Zanzibar’s revolutionary female soccer team
Told they couldn't play soccer, the women responded by forming a team.