TLS: Gregory Feifer on Trump, Putin and authoritarian kleptocracy
A review of three new books on populism, autocracy and money laundering.
Scott Erich wins Fulbright-Hays grant
He'll travel to the UAE to study oceanic governance in the Gulf of Oman.
New York Magazine: Andrew Rice on NYC real-estate paralysis
The coronavirus pandemic has panicked real estate brokers, and there's no end in sight.
Washington Post: Eve Fairbanks on why the debate was great
In most debates, candidates just recite soundbites. At this one, they revealed their true characters.
Africa Arguments: Hannah Armstrong on images of the Sahel
Swiss photographer Philippe Dudouit's new book captures the nuance often missing from depictions of the Sahel.
Mother Jones: Karina Piser on food-insecure families losing funding
An important resource in fighting child hunger is set expire, leaving millions of children without funds for food.
Daily Beast: Neri Zilber on Israel’s crisis at home
International peace deals will not help Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu control the fires burning at home.
WNYC: Karina Piser on Brooklyn’s battle
Following on the heels of Queens' epic struggle with Amazon, another New York City borough is waging war on grand-scale development.
TIME: Malia Politzer on what makes extremists tick
Studies into what motivates people to become violent—and how to prevent them from becoming violent in the first place, are not without their own danger.
NYT: Matthew Wheeler on Thailand’s emboldened protesters
Bangkok activists are no longer content with carefully coded criticism of the monarchy, but now demand wholesale democratic change.