Dasa Obereigner Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1990 – 1992 Fellowship Area(s): Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia’s Return to Europe: A Rocky Road Tanks are Rolling Out, the Stones are Rolling In The Jews of Prague: a People Endure Education” Czechoslovakia has a Lot to Learn George Bush and the Republicans Out with the Old, in with the Unknown Generation ’68-’89 For Better or for
Carol V. Rose Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1990 – 1992 Fellowship Area(s): Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Germany, England Afghanistan and Empire: A Historic Overview Afghanistan at the Crossroads” Internal Dimensions of War and Peace Berlin: In Search of History You Can’t Go Home Again Portrait of Peshawar What Money Can’t Buy: Refugee Assistance and Anti-Aanericanism Cultural Survival: The Tibetans in Nepal New
Ina L. Navazelskis Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1990-1991 Fellowship Topic: Lithuania, East European and Soviet affairs Fellowship Area: Lithuania Lithuania Declares Independence from the USSR What Price Lithuanian Independence? Untitled Views on America Two Steps Forward, One Step Back The Pain of Nation-Building A Fax from Vilnius. “Who is Husak?” “April 30, 1991 One Day in the life of Vvtautas Landsbergis” “On Critics
Tyrone L. Turner Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1999 – 2000 Fellowship Area(s): Brazil Favela Family Market Hustlers Carnival and the Maracatu “Hitting the Streets” The Roda and Other Experiences Favela Tour Glue Kids Juazeiro do Parde Cícero Muribeca: The Making of a CD Cover and other Stories “Night Fishing” “A Smoldering Land” “Sugar Notes”
Stephen B. Maly Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1989 – 1991 Fellowship Area(s): Canada Shadows of Doubt A Sort-of Nation Tossed Salad? For Want of a Paul Revere North of Havana Crude Distillations In a State of Ambiguity The Distinct Society The Contingent State The Celtic Fringe A Profusion of Loyalties Rock of Ages 7 in Labrador Take Five Tree North (Part I)
Derek Paton Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1989 – 1991 Fellowship Area(s): Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria Untitled International Student Day Revolution, Euphoria, and Suicide After the Ball Untitled Vladimir Merta Body and Soul Sofia’s Not My Choice, Part 1 Bulgaria, Part 2 Bulgaria, Part 3 Another Rocker of the Revolution, Part 4 Bulgaria, Part 5 Untitled Vladimir Rencin: “I See the Bohemian Lion”
Arthur Getz Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1989 – 1991 Fellowship Area(s): Japan, USA Small Town Economics West and East Urban Foodsheds Community Supported Agriculture Community Supported Agriculture: Nuts and Bolts Cultural Re-entry Japanese Farmer-Consumer Co-partnerships: “Teikei”
Ann Mische Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1987 – 1990 Fellowship Area(s): Brazil A Question of Participation Day of the Child and the Teacher Cesium and the search for marvels The Fall and Rise of Grêmios Livres Youth groups, politics and peace Funcionalismo on strike The days of May Being Political Becoming Political Constitution-making Government by men Luiza takes São Paulo Learning
Judith Mayer Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1987-1989 Fellowship Topic: Environmental protection conservation and sustainable development issues in Southeast Asia. Fellowship Area: Malaysia, Indonesia Untitled Linking Up in Penang A Trip to Ulu Baram Chopping Kayu Change at Tasek Bera National Parks Life After Death in Singapore’s Rivers Gunung Kemala Jakarta Dilang Puti East Kalimantan Notes Back to the Lawa River Kutai National
William L. Melvin Newsletters
Fellowship Years: 1988-1989 Fellowship Topic: South American Indian societies and Andean affairs. Fellowship Area: Bolivia, Ecuador untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled Who’s Driving? Silent Comedy Goodbye Columbus When Less Means More Reading, Rioting and Rithmetic