
Chenoa Egawa Newsletters

  • March 6, 1999
  • Chenoa T. Egawa

Fellowship Years: 1997 – 2000 Fellowship Area(s): Guatemala, Mexico A Mexican Baptism Settling In A Matter of Identity Of Ecotours and Forest Fires “The Lilies” – Communal Banks in San Juan Sacatepequez Setting Examples In the Land of the Seven Sacred Teachings Los Damnificados North-South Connection Truth – and Reconciliation? Post Office Blues Reflections from Chiapas, Mexico


Daniel B. Wright Newsletters

  • September 1, 1998
  • Daniel B. Wright

Fellowship Years: 1997 – 1999 Fellowship Area(s): China Along the Way to Guizhou: Impressions from Shanghai to Southwest China Colorful Guizhou The Spirit of Daguan Village: Leadership and Poverty (Part 1) Leading on Poverty’s Front Line: Leadership and Poverty (Part 2) One in Fifty Million: Traveling with China’s Migrant Labor – Interior China and the Coast (Part


Pramila Jayapal Newsletters

  • December 1, 1997
  • Pramila Jayapal

Fellowship Years: 1994-1996 Fellowship Topic: Social Issues involving Religion, the status of Women, Population and AIDS Fellowship Area: India The Changing Face of India Kerala: A Development Model? Part I Kerala: A Development Model? Part II Uttar Pradesh: Redefining the Challenges Ladakh: Land of High Passes, Part I- Tourism: Savior or Destroyer? Ladakh: Land of High Passes, Part


John B. Robinson Newsletters

  • December 1, 1997
  • John B. Robinson

Fellowship Years: 1996-1998 Fellowship Topic: Fellowship Area: Madagascar Here I am Chez Henriette And Again Antananarivo Dinna Forget If Only the Rain Would Stop The Place Where I Live St. Valentine’s Day Diego Suarez, 1997 Among the Pagans 10,000 Miles From Home Pousse-Pousse Poetry Hearing the Ones We Love Happy Bull’s 66-Zebu Sapphire Echoes of August Grand-Mere–Granny


Christopher P. Ball Newsletters

  • November 1, 1997
  • Christopher P. Ball

Fellowship Years: 1996 – 1998 Fellowship Area(s): Hungary, Romania Introducing Myself and My Region Historical Reconciliation: A Central European Mystery Part I A Central European Mystery: A Look at the Costs and Benefits Part II The Battle Mohac: October 23-25, 1996 The Day “God Gave a Brain to the Romanian People” – Romanian Elections: November 3, 1996


William F. Foote Newsletters

  • July 1, 1997
  • William F. Foote

Fellowship Years: 1995-1997 Fellowship Topic: The Impact of free-market reforms on Mexico’s people, society and politics Fellowship Area: Mexico First Impressions: Mexico Prepares for Day of Dead in Critical Condition Cronicle of a Vote Forsold Water Degradation in Morelia: Got Problems? Find a Wishing Well The Curse of the Rio Grande: Contaminated Irrigation in the Valley of Querendaro


Teresa C. Yates Newsletters

  • February 1, 1997
  • Teresa C. Yates

Fellowship Years: 1996 – 1998 Fellowship Area(s): South Africa The Scramble for Land: Legacy of Dispossession Gillimberg Farm, Part I: A Pilot Straggles to Take Flight “As long as we are living on the Earth, this place is ours.” Mashubi: A Place Called Home One Year in Pietersburg Democracy Hounts the ANC Masonja: A Worm by any


Adam Smith Albion Newsletters

  • May 10, 1996
  • Adam Smith Albion

Fellowship Years: 1994 – 1997 Fellowship Area(s): Turkey, Uzbekistan, China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Romania First Thoughts — Herodotus Nomadism Black Sea Coast–Trabzon: football, hamsi Chechnya Spies, Free Trade and Borders The Voice of the People Travels in Romania, Moldova and Gagauzia Ukraine Dial 3 Crimean Diary Send in the Turks Summer Reading Three Trabzon Tales Alma-Ata or


Cheng Li Newsletters

  • January 1, 1996
  • Cheng Li

Fellowship Years: 1993-1995 Fellowship Topic: Growth of technocracy and its impact on the economy of the southeastern coast Fellowship Area: China   Leaving Home to Go Home “The Color of Money”: Shanghai Impressions China’s Falsities & China’s Future: Part I – “Calling Things by Their Real Names” China’s Falsities & China’s Future’ Part II ’Daxing” A Most Frequently


Hisham Ahmed Newsletters

  • October 1, 1995
  • Hisham H. Ahmed

Fellowship Years: 1994-1996 Fellowship Topic: Oral History of the Palestinian People Fellowship Area: Jordan and Gaza Just a Day Like Any Other Society Suffers from Split Personality Political Peace or Personal War? Dehumanized at the Border From Dispersion to Delusion Culture on the Air From Imprisonment to Negotiation Most Difficult Times: A Palestinian in Refuge The Dream of