VIDEO: Marvin Kalb asks whether Americans care
Keynote remarks at ICWA's semi-annual dinner in Washington.

VIDEO: Political settlement possible in Afghanistan
Former leading diplomats debate the country's future at an ICWA panel discussion.

EVENT Feb. 22: US withdrawal from Afghanistan: is peace possible?
A panel discussion on peace and security post-2019.

VIDEO: Anatomy of Victory Highlights
Author John Caldwell and panel discuss his new book Anatomy of Victory.

EVENT: Semi-annual dinner and keynote speech
Join the institute at our semi-annual dinner featuring keynote speech by Tambra Raye Stevenson.

Why does the United States lose wars?
Author John Caldwell and panel discuss his new book Anatomy of Victory.

EVENT: Fellowship report and panel discussion
Join returning fellow Onyinye Edeh discussing women and girls' health, education and empowerment.

EVENT: Anatomy of Victory, Thursday, Nov. 8
Why does the United States lose wars? Join author John D. Caldwell discussing his new book with former ICWA fellow Jeffrey Race.

EVENT: Enablers and Barriers to Girls’ Education and Health in Nigeria
Join our recently returned fellow Onyinye Edeh (Nigeria, 2016-2018) for a lecture on Wednesday, October 3, 2018, 12:45-2:15pm, at SAIS.