Turkey’s presidential election boosts nativist politics
And endangers an immigration boom in Gaziantep.

Russian émigrés’ fractured families
Exiles reckon with accusations of betrayal from loved ones back home.

Syrians trapped in Lebanon’s failed state
A mounting anti-refugee campaign is raising real fear about deportation home.

Communities in Ghana try to arbitrate farmer-herder conflicts on their own
But mediators are still finding themselves ensnared in messy local politics.

In Warsaw, Russian ‘parliament in exile’ debates a post-Putin future
But questions about legitimacy and motives dog the Kremlin's opposition.

On a Greek island, humanitarian groups’ funding dries up
Eight years into the migration crisis, only the most determined organizations remain.

For Syrian migrants, the Gulf dream has faded
Millions once traveled to work in oil-rich Arab monarchies and one day retire back home. That path now seems a dead end.

Anatolian Greeks commemorate a century across the sea
Greece’s 1922 defeat in the Greco-Turkish War led to the end of Hellenism in Asia Minor.

Energized Georgians confront the ruling party over a red line
Protesters force a backdown over pro-Russian legislation. Does it signal a sea-change?