The Nation: Karina Piser on France’s broken social ladder
Macron bills his government "radically centrist," but its social policies are sliding to the right.
France attack an early test for Macron
He must reassure a public on edge while ensuring the response doesn’t deepen high tensions around Islam.
Converting to Islam in the secular republic
A determined girl tests the French law banning religious symbols in schools.
In China’s countryside, Xi’s continued leadership warmly welcomed
In Yunnan province, villagers react to the plan to abolish presidential term limits.
Humans of Nigeria:
Women’s lives in Africa’s largest economy
Trials, triumphs and patriarchal resistance.
How a TV contest became the latest front in the battle of French identity politics
A Muslim woman's appearance on 'The Voice' prompts an alignment of Left and Right.
How ‘Je Suis Charlie’ became a rallying cry for the French Republican model
Three years on, the debate over the attack on the satirical magazine is making it more difficult to battle extremism.