The cost of educating an Indian girl
Many in the state of Rajasthan have dropped out of school during the pandemic, facing pressure to get married.
Fellowship report: Elizabeth Hawkins on El Salvador
Elizabeth Hawkins will deliver her end of fellowship presentation in a webinar with Joel Millman.
The fight against ‘love jihad’
New laws against religious conversion threaten interfaith marriages in India.
Exodus from Lebanon
As the country’s best and brightest flee, those who remain are finding it even more difficult to pick up the pieces.
A model Indian state comes undone
Once touted for its development, Gujarat has suffered some of the pandemic’s worst losses.
Webinar video: David Kenner on Saudi Arabia
David Kenner will deliver his end of fellowship presentation in a webinar with Dirk Vandewalle.
India’s Covid disaster up close
Losing a loved one to the coronavirus as the pandemic’s deadly second wave engulfs millions of Indians.
India grapples with a deadly second pandemic wave
As Covid-19 cases continue to skyrocket, Indians turn to social media.
The struggle to keep Lebanon healthy
Beirut’s largest public hospital long embodied all the country’s institutional failures. Now it’s leading the Covid-19 response.