Forbes: Willy Foote on mobile-based solutions for smallholder farmers
The social entrepreneur Anushka Ratnayake has managed to lower prices for servicing smallholder farmers in remote areas through the innovative use of SMS and mobile phone technology.
PRI: Shannon Sims on Brazilian film uproar
A Netflix satire that has outraged conservative politicians and clergy in Brazil by portraying Jesus as a gay man.
Al Jazeera: Hannah Armstrong on rising West African violence
In response to the rising number of deaths from attacks by armed groups in the Sahel region of West Africa, France hosts a summit of regional leaders to plot a path forward.
Globe and Mail: Neri Zilber on how Soleimani’s death affects Israel
The country could become a key player in any resulting conflict.
International Crisis Group: Hannah Armstrong on trafficking in Niger
It's necessary to acknowledge the importance of human trafficking to the economy of northern Niger.
AFP: Robbie Corey-Boulet on damming the Nile
As power-starved Ethiopia strives to finish the largest hydropower plant in Africa, tensions with downstream neighbors are rising.
The American Prospect: Jonathan Guyer on Soleimani’s victory in death
The Iranian general's assassination only cements his legacy as a counter to US power.
NYT: Shannon Sims on Brazil’s Recife
In Brazil's lively northeast corner, musical, culinary and architectural delights await.
NIKKEI Asian Review: Matt Wheeler on the Thai peace process
After 15 years of insurgency and four years of peace talks, there's hope of real dialogue with the main Malay-Muslim militant organization.
International Crisis Group: Hannah Armstrong on violence in Niger
The scale of recent attacks is unprecedented, but the anger behind them is rooted in decades-old grievances.