Foreign Policy: Neri Zilber on Israeli annexation buzz
Any move to make Israeli rule over the West Bank permanent would send shockwaves through the region.
AFAR: Nicholas Schmidle on Belgrade cuisine
The Serbian capital glories in its traditions, which make for delicious dining.
Former fellow William Mattox dies
An arctic geographer and bird of prey naturalist, Bill established the Greenland Peregrine Falcon Survey.
Boston Public Radio: Carol Rose calls for Massachusetts jail investigation
An altercation involving a local sheriff left three immigration detainees hospitalized.
The American Prospect: Jonathan Guyer on the death of an Egyptian influencer
Shady Habash was arrested in 2018 after producing a music video insulting President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
Bloomberg: Shannon Sims on favela solutions
Residents of Sao Paulo's Paraisopolis neighborhood hope to stem the coronavirus pandemic with a highly organized campaign.
JLACA: Amelia Frank-Vitale on migrants stuck in motion
Frank-Vitale considers the impact of Central Americans' journeys for the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology.
Karina Piser on US prisons under coronavirus
The pandemic has hit prison inmates especially hard, Karina Piser writes in articles for The Nation and The New Republic.
GMF: Gregory Feifer and Susan Corke on transatlantic stress
The coronavirus pandemic is a pivotal moment for the transatlantic alliance, a brutal, devastating test about collective responsibility and shared values no side can afford to waste.
Eve Fairbanks in HuffPost: Don’t call the pandemic a war
Using loaded terminology to describe a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic only confuses the issue.