Institute Staff

Posts and Dispatches from Institute Staff:

  • Andrew Tabler quoted in Politico
    Andrew Tabler, former ICWA fellow and Syria expert, was recently quoted in a Politico article titled “Trump still doesn’t have a strategy for dealing with Assad.”  Below is Tabler’s quote: “What’s striking about the string of recent clashes is that the United States has been provoked by offensive actions taken by Iranian-allied groups or the...


  • Former ICWA Fellow Willy Foote Interviews Swanee Hunt
    Willy Foote recently interviewed former Ambassador Swanee Hunt, which can be seen in this video.  Take a look at the following description, provided by the WGBH forum: “Former Ambassador Swanee Hunt interviewed more than 90 Rwandan people to learn how Rwanda has healed since the terrible 1994 genocide—and has come to hold the highest rank...


  • Willy Foote’s thoughts on’s Jeff Bezos
    Former ICWA fellow Willy Foote recently published an article in Forbes describing Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and the possibilities of his next moves.  Read the article here!...


  • Follow Malia Politzer’s Article Reviews
    Malia Politzer, Past ICWA Fellow, has been regularly reviewing news articles on  To follow her thoughts on these pieces, click here for her page, and here for her most recent review on a Huffington Post article....


  • Jonathan Guyer wins SFJ Award
    Jonathan Guyer has won third prize for arts and entertainment commentary in the Society for Features Journalism’s 2017 Excellence in Features awards. Jonathan was recognized for his work about art and comics in the Middle East. Guyer is one of the rising experts on art and satire in the Middle East. Guyer was a Fellow...


  • Former Fellow Andrew Rice in New York Magazine
    Former ICWA Fellow Andrew Rice was recently published in New York Magazine with an article titled: “Is Trump Inc. the President’s Greatest Vulnerability?” The article discusses how Trump’s business ties may spell trouble for his presidency.  Whether it involves conflicts of interests with his own company, or those he supports (including the company of his...


  • Former Fellow Feifer in the New York Times
    Our interim director and ICWA Past Fellow, Gregory Feifer, reviews “The Russian Revolution” by Sean McMeekin in the New York Times. Feifer was an ICWA Fellow in Russia from 2000 to 2002.  While Feifer calls the book well written, he also points out a lack of perspective on right-wing ideology. Click for the full review....


  • Andrew Tabler publishes in Foreign Affairs
    Former ICWA fellow Andrew Tabler has published an article titled “The Scramble for Eastern Syria” in Foreign Affairs.  This piece discusses the possibilities of who will take control of Syria after ISIS is gone.  With increased US/Allied efforts to rid the region, and Syria specifically, the question of who will occupy that power position becomes increasingly...


  • Former ICWA Fellow Shannon Sims in CityLab
    Former ICWA fellow Shannon Sims has just published an article in CityLab titled: “How Bostonians Defeated the Olympics.”  The piece discusses how the citizens of Boston overturned the city’s nomination to be the US bid location for the Olympic Games, and the reasoning behind that movement from the perspectives of observers and participants.   You can read...


  • Nicholas Schmidle in The New Yorker
    Nicholas Schmidle, a former ICWA fellow in Pakistan from 2006 to 2008, has just published an article in The New Yorker titled: “James Comey’s Intellectual History.”  The piece highlights Comey’s background leading up to the controversy and events surrounding his recent dismissal by President Trump as Director of the FBI.  The article documents his rise...